Unfortunately I have one single monitor, so finally I'm not sure and can't test, but I think if you set the Game mode properly up, you can achieve what you want. Try setting the following things:My rainmeter widgets run od second small monitor. For games i use normal primary monitor. How to set up that when oi play games full screen on primary monitor Rainmeter goes to game mode and unload the skin? Right now it do not detect full screen games on my main primary monitor. Any help?
- Create a layout contaning all your skins, positioned properly (let's name this layout TestLayout, just for reference).
- On the Game mode tab of the Manage Rainmeter dialog check the Full-screen games checkbox.
- Click the On start button on the same Game mode tab. Check Unload all skins.
- Click the On stop button and check the previously saved layout (TestLayout in the above example).
Additional tip: There are no Rainmeter widgets. Those are skins.
Statistics: Posted by balala — October 21st, 2024, 6:13 pm